Thursday, October 22, 2009

How it all began

I remember it clearly, it was 2002 and suddenly I was running through a market in Marrakesh, "what am I doing here?" I thought. I was running behind a local Moroccan man who was waiving to me to follow. I looked behind me and I saw my sister and friend trailing behind me and laughing. "Follow me" he said "I know where your brothers are". What was I doing, I was chasing a small Moroccan man who claims he knows where my brothers are through a vast market. I took a second to look around and realized the market we were running through was quite impressive with its many vendors and it's ceiling made of greenery that made you feel as though you were indoors though made so securely that no precipitation could get in. I was just beginning to wonder how we had lost them, what had happened. People were yelling to us to buy from them "Liquidation" "Good Deal". What was happening. All of a sudden we came to a hault and had to squeeze up against a wall to let a donkey and cart through . . . but this quite clearly wasn't a street . . . that's when I got hit by a rain drop and I looked over at my sister and realized, this isn't a dream, I am awake . . . that's when I knew I was on vacation!