Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Me v. Baby Sheep!

Maybe the cutest video and baby sheep EVER! Just saying....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mexico - French Restaurant

I know it seems weird, a French Restaurant in Mexico but the food is amazing and it was honestly was one of the best nights ever!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cuenca Zoo

Well it's no Galapagos but it was definitely really cool! They are trying to keep the animals in as natural a habit as they can and to say the paths are rough is an understatement but we really enjoyed it! Naturally the Zoo starts out with a great breakfast! Hmm. . . eggs benedict and stuffed french toast!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Okay, I think that is all the pictures from Galapagos! Well not really, there are another 600 photos where those came from. We stayed in Santa Cruz 2 days, then did a 5 day cruise which consisted of the following islands: Wednesday PM: Santa Cruz Island: Charles Darwin Station; Thursday AM: Rábida Island PM: Santa Cruz Island: Bachas Beach; Friday AM: Floreana Island: Cormorant Point PM: Floreana Island: Post Office Bay; Saturday AM: Española Island: Suarez Point PM: Española Island: Gardner Bay and Sunday AM: San Cristobal Island: Interpretation Center. We stayed in San Cristobal for the night and did a day trip back to Santa Cruz where we spent another night but got a water taxi over to Isabela for 2 days. Amazing trip, definitely a place I will never forget!

Isabela Island