Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rio to Salvador

So we said goodbye to all of our travelling companions and then mom and I headed out for our last day in Rio. To our surprise, the rain had still held off from the night before and it had actually cleared up and was sunny out. the one good things about our hostel was the location so we walked down to Impanema beach. We walked along for a while and then found a good little spot to sit and enjoy the *site*s. Rio is really beautiful as it's so green everywhere, there are huge mountains/hills all over the city and coming out of the water are islands which no one lives on as they are basically giant rocks but that are completely overgrown with green. And naturally on the beach . . . there were a few sights to see. The rumors are true about this place, that's all I am going to say. We were there early so we watch people arrive and then splash around in the water, which is a beautiful blue/green color. While we were sitting there, I guess the locals started to trust us as this girl came up, said a bunch of stuff in portugese and then handed me her purse. I help onto it while she went into the water to swim. Then, this other guy came up holding a plastic cup with clear liquid, and asked me to hold his cup for him while he swam. When he came back, he introduced himself, offered us some of his drink and then walked off drinking it. We decided to walk over to Copacabana then and on the way we stopped at one of the many freshly squeezed fruit juice stands. By this point we had figured out what most of the fruits were in portugese since they have there are tons of freshly squeezed places and they are amazing! We walked over to Copacaba which was packed! Way more hopping then Impanema. When you go to the beach in Brazil, there are people who will rent you chairs and umbrellas for the day, which most people do so all you can see is a sea of people, umbrellas and chairs! We took some pictures, grabbed some lunch and then headed back to our hostel to grab our stuff to head to the airport. Our flight to Salvador was an hour and a half with a one hour time change. The airport in Salvador is far from the main city and further for us since we were staying in Barra, but we grabbed a cab since it was already so late . . . local buses it was though for the rest of our stay in Salvador.