Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Back to Baños . . . Volcano or not!

Yes, yes, I realize Tungurahua volcano was erupting at this point but that just makes it "adventure travel" so back to Baños we go! Baños is an awesome little city!! We left early Thursday morning and although the weather wasn't that nice, (yes ash and molten lava doesn't make for clear skies and tanning weather) it certainly cleared up for us!! This time I was smart and checked out what the bus looked like before I purchased a ticket (learn from mistakes - check!). Oh no wait, let's back up. First of all, the bus station is way WAY outside of the city so choosing a taxi for this is key. I've learned that this trip can take anywhere between 30 minutes to one hour depending on who is driving so driver's must be chosen carefully. We stood on the main street and I picked out a taxi, ah yes, the perfect taxi. This man had driving gloves on, perfect!! Not only did this guy get us there in just under 30 minutes but he had fantastic driving music to go with it!! Our bus to Baños, as usual, was filled with on and off stops but it was a lovely ride because as usual, Ecuador is gorgeous. We passed Cotopaxi on the way although it was a little cloud covered. We arrived in Baños, dropped our stuff at the hostel, grabbed a bite and hit the hot springs. We arranged for some massages later that evening and then got some fabulous dinner at a swiss restaurant. The next morning we went back to this breakfast place that I had gone to last time which is AMAZING and the best deal in town and then back to the hot springs. The locals love Baños but because it isn't vacation time for them, the hot springs weren't as full as they were in August when I was there. The sun shining over the mountain and the wonderful mineral water made it a delightful morning. At noon we headed back to our hostel to collect our things, grab a bite and back to the bus station. The next day we had to travel back to Loja as Ecuador was doing a Country-wide censo which I had to be home for. Little did I know I would never make it back in time . . .