Friday, May 20, 2011


What can I say, never a dull moment in Ecuador! My brother arrived and it was back to the races again!! Quito as usual is always great! The history, the buildings and drinking beer on the pedestrian only streets is just amazing!! Then off to Banos for some relaxation and then some de-relaxation. Let´s just say, the jungle and I have a mutual hate for each other. No, honestly it was great!! The first day we did white water rafting which was freaking awesome! I was a little hesitant after the last time we went but it was awesome! The only downside was there was only 4 of us in our raft so we had to paddle so hard to get threw some of the rapids. Hiking through the Amazon was great also, though again it was really tough. I´ve been through the rainforest in several parks here in Ecuador but the Amazon kicks your butt. At times my brother and I wanted to get some of the giant leaves and just slide down since it would be a straight drop down and pure mud! We hiked to this really cool waterfall though where we had to wade up a river in water that came up to our waists and then swim the rest of the way in! We also visited a refuge for monkey´s which as most of you know, monkey´s aren´t my favorite, but there was this one that went to sleep on my brother and when we had to leave and the guy kicked the monkey off, he kept yelling at the guy because he was so peacefully sleeping and didn´t want to be disturbed!! There were these other two smaller monkey´s also that kept jumping off my like a jungle gym, soooo cute! Loved them!! We made it out of the Jungle alive, jumped on an overnight bus to Guayaquil and 3 buses later we were in Puerto Lopez! Hitting the beach today and tomorrow we head to Isle de la Plata to Scuba Dive!