Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cape Horn and Ushuaia

So last night at approximately 6pm we cruised along Cape Horn. It was a bit foggy upon our initial approach but as we passed through all the isletas it cleared up a bit and was quite beautiful. We were able to get picture of the house where the family lives 6 months of the year (so that no one takes Cape Horn from Chile) and the helicopter that was there. This morning we arrived in Ushuaia bright and early and boarded a bus for a tour through Tierra del Fuego national park. This park is part of Chile as well as Argentina and is very green (which we haven't seen a lot of so far) as well as mountainous with snow capped peaks. Parts of it reminded me a lot of Banff and we stopped at this one area that I swear was Lake Louise! Tierra del Furgo actually runs along the Beagle Channel and Ushuaia is the major city nearest is and is in Argentina. 95% of the boats going to Antartica leave from the Ushuaia port and while we were there we saw several loading up. Antartica is only 1000km from Ushuaia. We cruised through the Beagle Channel from Cape Horn to get here and as we cruise towards Punta Arenas in Chile, the scenery is truly magnificent! We are surrounded by snow capped peaks and in about an hour will be passing the Holanda, Italia, Francia, Alemania and Romanchi Glaciers. Fortunately we have a balcony and all the glaciers are on our side (starboard) so we can view them from our comfortable room! We are resting now as tomorrow is a long port day in Punta Arenas and we have lots planned! Christina was badly motion sick this morning on the bus tour and had to take gravol and is sleeping now (ironic for those that know our past!) but the temperature is about 19C and although the breeze is a bit cold the sun is warm and the sky is cloudless so we are taking full advantage of our balcony!