Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hurricane anyone?

So Tuesday and Wednesday this week we were at sea. We thought that the potential for any rough water was over as we figured the worst of that would be sailing to and from the Falklands but boy were we wrong! When we left Punta Arenas, we cruised along the Magellan Strait which was pretty protected and the water was pretty calm but we then had to leave the strait and cruise through the open Pacific Ocean and that was not pretty . . . you slowly see little bags getting hung all around the ship as we cruise farther out and you know what that's for. The captain was great, updating everyone along the way and there's a channel on the tv in your rooms that gives you an update of where exactly you are (like when you fly long distances) and also details of air/water temperature, the height of waves, how many km's you have sailed since your last port and how far until your next port, etc. We kept that on for most of Tuesday but between the boating getting positively thrown around and the captain telling us, we knew it was bad. The waves were at about 17 feet and the winds where at about 40 knots . . . then it got back! At around 11am the captain announced that the waves had reached 27 feet and the wind was at 65 knots (64 knots was considered a hurricane!) But undeterred . . . we kept on sailing! It was crazy though! We are on the 8th floor and are pretty high up and we had the waves crashing onto our balcony and soaking our window. At one point the wind was hitting our side (starboard side) and even though our door is locked and sealed it made this loud howling sound by the sheer force. You couldn't walk very far as the boat was completly being tossed around. Then, the boat would 'list' as they called it or tip horribly. . . . it felt like we should be able to touch the ocean as we were tipping! Fortunately I wasn't sea sick, although I did keep a low profile that day and I think most people on the ship spent the day in their room! Wednesday wasn't as bad, although at about 5am I woke up feeling like I was standing on my head but by 10 we were in another channel and then at 3pm when we were back in the Pacific, the waves were only about 10 feet which let me tell you, felt like a dream! The sun sets are still at around 10pm but sunrise is getting later the farther north we go, being at about 6am this morning. We have this curtains that nothing can penatrate so fortunately the sun doesn't shine in our eyes any earlier then we want it to!