Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santiago to Buenos Aires

Wow, you know they tell you the bus ride is 24 hours but to actually sit, on a bus, for 24 hours . . . that´s another thing! The first 6 hours of the bus ride was amazing! They played movies for us but we looked out the window mostly. The Andes are really really amazing! The colours of each of them would be different, some green, some blue and some like brown, almost like sand as if you were in Egypt. We did some crazy roads that weaved back and forth and went up them and then a few tunnels that went right through some of them! There were some resort-type lodges that we passed that had groups there that were doing white water rafting and the way these places were positioned, in the valley surrounded by the Andes, it was absolutely gorgeous! The border of Argentina-Chile is setup also in the Andes and fortunately there was a shelter over us as it took over an hour to cross the border. We arrived in BA and (since we enjoyed that bus trip so much) bought tickets for the next trip from Iguazu to Rio do Janeiro and although I say it and it sounds easy, it wasn´t. English isn´t that commonly spoken here in BA, not a lot of bus Companies here do that route and naturally, the one that did and had space would only take cash AND of course the bank machine wasn´t working for any of us . . . sometimes I think I am a bit of a magician the way I can create money out of no where . . . by the time we made it to our hostel, we needed showers in the worst way and were exhausted. The last 2 we were meeting up with were at the hostel already and we found out then that my brother had been in an accident when they had been in Uruguay but other then a lot of skinner pieces of arms and legs, he wasn´t seriously hurt. He apparently was going to go to the hospital, but it closed at 530pm so they just continued on. We went to a tango show that night (Tuesday) which was awesome. It was dinner and a show and the dinner was great and the tango and gaucho´s were fantastic! Tango is ridiculous . . . you really have to see it to believe it and there was one couple that were amazing! Yesterday we did a BA tourist bus which was very handy. BA is made up of like 8 neighbourhoods that are huge and so the bus took us through about 4 . . . saved us walking a lot of km . . . and then we could get off and walk where we wanted to. We really wanted to see where Eva Peron is buried and it was in this graveyard that was like a city! Alright, I have to cut this short, have to eat and run to the airport. It´s thunder storming here today and we have to catch our flight to Iguazu . . . can´t wait!