Thursday, December 24, 2009

Typical South American Bathroom

You know, it´s sometimes the things people don´t tell you that you need to watch out for . . . for instance, using a bathroom in South America. A smart traveller, upon arriving in the doorway of the bathroom, will survey the floor and the consider the possible *water* damage to the bottom of ones pants . . . a smart traveller will then take the time to roll up their pants. If both stalls become available at the same time, scan them both really quick for which ones the biggest, this becomes important later. Once a stall has been chosen, check quickly to see if there is any toilet paper in there, this also will become important later. You see there isn´t any in this one (maybe the other one had some?) but a smart traveller has some in their backpack for just these moments, so you pull it out. Once in the stall with the door *securely* fastened, you notice there is no where to put your backpack, but wait, how fortunate, there is a window in your stall with a hook, so you carefully place your backpack there. As you turn around, noticing how extremely small this stall is, and begin to assume your *squat* position, you realize that your rolled up pants are starting to unfold down your leg. At this point, a smart traveller realizes they are going to have to perform the *keep-pants-rolled-up-pull-pants-down-hold-tp-maneuver*, a very dangerous trick that is only for professionals. . . . so you stick the TP under your chin, one thing out of the way. You roll back up your pants, a little more securely this time, you feel everything is falling into place. Until you are done though, one should never feel overly confident, since as you are beginning to sit, the impossible happens . . . . your knees hit the door (you were right, stall was small!) and the stall door that you thought was securely fastened flies open!! There´s nothing you can do at this moment but you hope in the kindness of a stranger to close it and then you continue. To leave, you carefully stand up so you knees merely touch the door with no force, remove the TP from under your chin, grab your backpack off the window hook and leave. As you leave (tagging the next person to do exactly the same trick as you just did) you can´t help but smile and think how fortunate you were to have had the window in your stall and the TP in your bag . . . .